Let us help you prepare for your upcoming anesthetic.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) practicing in the state of Iowa, know that patients and the citizens of this state may have many questions regarding the various types of anesthesia and delivery of anesthesia. IANA has created this webpage to help educate and answer these questions prior to your upcoming surgery, childbirth, pain management intervention, or other procedures requiring anesthesia. IANA wants you to become an educated and informed “member” in your own anesthetic care team.
Anesthesia care is not confined to surgery alone. It also involves activities that take place both before and after a surgery, obstetrical services, and pain management.
Are there different types of anesthesia?
There are three basic types of anesthesia:
Monitored anesthesia care: This type of anesthesia is often referred to as local or sedation anesthesia. The goal is to make sure you are relaxed and comfortable while a procedure is completed. http://www.aana.com/forpatients/Documents/sedation_brochure03.pdf
Regional anesthesia: This type of anesthesia utilizes local anesthetic, or numbing medicine, to produce a loss of sensation to a specific region of the body. Regional anesthesia can be utilized as the primary type of anesthesia or in conjunction with sedation or general anesthesia. Some common types of regional anesthesia include, spinal and epidural anesthesia – used for lower extremity and abdominal surgery; interscalene – used for shoulder surgery; femoral – used for knee surgery; and IV blocks – used for hand and wrist surgery.
General anesthesia: This type of anesthesia utilizes Intravenous or inhaled medication to produce a loss of sensation throughout the entire body. You are completely asleep with this type of anesthesia. Each method of anesthesia has specific benefits and uses. Your anesthesia provider will work with you and your surgeon to determine the best and safest method for you and your procedure. Often multiple types of anesthesia are utilized to provide the best overall outcome.
Once your procedure is complete, your nurse anesthetist will determine the safest location for you to recover. They will discuss your history and needs with the nurse who will be taking care of you throughout your recovery. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please be sure to let your nurse know and they will contact your anesthesia provider.
For additional information please visit the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Patient Information page. There is a tremendous amount of great information all geared to helping you have the best anesthetic experience possible. All About Anesthesia
IANA is always willing to answer any additional questions or concerns you may have. We encourage you to contact the facility where you will be having your procedure to speak directly with an anesthesia provider who will be working with you. If you have further questions please contact us [email protected]
Thank you for visiting our site and we hope this information is helpful.
If you have any suggestions on additional information we can provide please let us know! IANA would like to thank the AANA for their assistance and contributions to the material provided.