IANA Officials

Rich Jacobson, DNP, CRNA, ARNP


Beth Westermann, DNP, CRNA


Sarah Tweedy, CRNA


Mackenzie Kelley, MSN, CRNA


IANA Board Directors

Chris Woodward, CRNA

Region 1

Sam Specht, DNP, CRNA, ARNP

Region 2

Lindsay Crandall, CRNA

Region 3

Joey Burds, CRNA

Region 4

Melissa Mahon, CRNA

Region 5

Jon Schettler, CRNA

Region 6

Nick Hall, CRNA

Region 7

IANA Board Advisors

Sue Pair, CRNA

Special Advisor to the President

Mike Anderson, DNP, CRNA, ARNP

Special Advisor to the Board

Mary O’Brien, CRNA

Special Advisor to the President

Mindy Gingery, CRNA

Special Advisor to the President

Individual Member Contact Information


Katie Rich

Please contact IANA Association Manager, Katie Rich, for Individual Member Contact Information.

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